Exams and tests can be difficult, even the most capable and intelligent person can start taking a test and their mind can go blank, they start to panic and make a mess of the test.
This is our first 100 positive affirmations for exams, students and taking tests.
Positive Affirmations Part 1
This time, I’ll prove my qualification.
I’m not scared of failing.
You always give your best under pressure.
There is no one who can beat me in the examination results.
My performance on this exam will speak for itself.
I will not stress over one Test. There’s always a second chance.
I will excel in this examination as well.
I gave my best.
I am confident I’ll perform well in the test.
Who cares if I failed the first time; I’m sure to succeed this time.
I ask for help if I need it.
I have all the information I need to pass this test.
I schedule my studying sessions well ahead of time.
It is okay to ask for help from others when needed.
I need not worry so much.
I don’t need to be worried because I haven’t left any of it unfinished.
I have learned and raised a lot in this examination.
I have written all of the answers.
I’m fully prepared for the exam.
Everyone is capable of learning things quickly.

I will excel in this examination as well.
Positive Affirmations Part 2
I will do well in the examination.
I have been improving a lot.
I like studying and I want to study more.
I’m a good student, but I’m a better learner.
My grades do not define me.
The more I learn, the better my chances get.
It is easy to pass these examinations.
Every time I respond correctly, my confidence soars.
My brain can recall information in a second.
I’ll make my professors and mentors proud.
This test will be easy for me to pass.
Studying makes me happier each day.
I am capable of achieving a lot in life, and these examinations won’t let me down.
My skills are far from understood.
I let go of my worries and stress.
This time, I won’t let anyone down because of my performance.
I am a gifted student, and I can succeed in anything.
I made it.
Don’t let one question become your hurdle. Leave it and attempt the others.
I have faith in myself.
Positive Affirmations Part 3
The marks just have a number.
I have the ability to cross many milestones in life, these examinations cannot let me down.
I don’t need to worry too much.
After all this time, I can finally share some wonderful news.
No one else will speak for me but this result.
I will pass this test and move on to complete all of my objectives.
I have a growth mindset.
Everything is good this time.
I approach tests with confidence, passion, and dedication.
I will exceed my expectations.
I have not left any portion untouched-I do not need to worry.
I have learned everything I need to know to do well on this test.
I always succeed in the long term.
This result will have a beneficial impact on my life.
I can focus easily when studying.
I appreciate being challenged and put to the test in terms of my knowledge.
I am succeeding in whatever I do.
I am thankful for all the supportive people around me.
I have studied well, have studied Smart.
I’ve split and organized my study time; I simply have to follow it.

I will exceed my expectations.
Positive Affirmations Part 4
I have confidence in my skills.
I can’t possibly fail an exam so quickly.
Despite being under pressure, I can produce exceptional results.
I feel great and am thrilled.
I stick to my study schedule.
I will pass this exam with flair.
I am grateful to have attained this level of proficiency.
I am an extraordinary student with good learning skills.
I am calm and focused.
No one can beat me in exam results.
I’ve studied hard for this exam and am absolutely ready.
Marks are just the number.
I am going to ace this exam with ease.
My confidence amplifies with every correct answer.
I will pass this test.
In a fraction of a second, my brain can recall any knowledge.
I’ve been making great progress.
This time, I won’t let my parents and teachers down.
I’m a good student, but I’m a better learner.
I’ll shine again this time.
Positive Affirmations Part 5
I am determined to graduate.
I am expecting to do better than last time.
Whatever your grades may be, you will never let us down.
I’m prepared and ready for my tests, and nothing will surprise me.
I am looking forward to showing off my knowledge of this subject.
My grades will make me the hero this time.
You Are A Winner.
One day, people will use my dedication and hard work as examples.
I have the required domain knowledge.
My intellectual potential grows stronger by the day.
My teachers judge my Progress, not my Grades.
I enjoy reading books.
I’ve gained a lot of knowledge this time.
I’m going to take it easy.
I have seen you studying; Believe me, You Will Pass.
I’ll give my best effort.
I am confident in my test-taking abilities.
I did it.
I like tests, they are important to measure how much I know.
I have repeatedly shown that I am a good student, so why not this time as well?
Here are 10 affirmations that you can save to your Pinterest board