Here we have audio of the following affirmations
List of affirmations
I'm successful in everything I do.
I'm joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life.
I am moving toward revenue.
I am producing money in my life.
It's great to have money! I'm ready for abundance.
I am a rich individual.
I love the energy of income.
Money enhances my positive power.
I love life.
I'm a loving person.
I am successful and I love it.
I handle all of my finances smartly.
My life is a success-story.
I'm a beautiful, loveable human.
I am successful in everything I execute.
I am willing and daring to go the whole way.
I'll reach my goals, joyfully and easily.
I invest wisely.
I am always accomplishing my goals in one way or another.
I am joyfully getting wealth and abundance in my life.
I am moving toward income.
I am producing money in my life.
It is great to have income!
I love myself.
I am frugal.
I love all beings on this planet.
I'm so happy to be alive.
I am creating riches to share with the whole world because it's my joy to share.
Each day and in every way I am getting better and better with money.
Plug in your headphones, press play and close your eyes