Affirmations part 1
I am loved beyond comprehension
I am attracting the perfect mate that my heart desires
I am grateful for the love that surrounds me
I emanate love everywhere I go
I know that to be loved I must love first
I am so grateful and appreciative for my relationship
My essence is true love and compassion
I love my enemies and it makes me feel better
I am not scared to love
When I love I live an abundant life
My heart is open to the possibilities of love
I have the power to give love constantly
I have the feeling of love that comes deep from within
I radiate unconditional love
I lose nothing and gain everything from giving more love
I love myself and allow myself to be loved fully
Love is attracted to me the more I give love
I love myself
I lead with love and courage
My creator loves me
Affirmations part 2
I attract true love and romance
I choose love over any other emotion
I only attract healthy and loving relationships
I am attracting my soulmate by becoming more loving
My heart and being is always open to love
I have an open mindset when it comes to attracting love into my life
I am loving, loved and lovable.
There is love all around me
My relationships are all fulfilling and loving
I am worthy of loving and being loved
I have the inner power to offer love endlessly
Love follows me wherever I go
I am a love magnet
I create love and romance in my life with ease
I seek love and happiness from within so I can manifest it outwards
I attract and am unconditional love
I vibrate the vibration of love
I receive love at all moments of my existence
Love is powerful and I use it as my greatest tool
I receive the love back that offer ten times over
Affirmations part 3
I love my partner and children unconditionally
Love is my birthright
I feel the warmth of love fill my heart and soul constantly
I am completely ready for love to flow in my life
My soulmate is looking as hard for me as I am looking for them
I see love in all my visions and memories
Everyday I wake up I am becoming more loving
I love myself and people for exactly who they are
I love my life and love whatever life will bring me
I naturally find love wherever I go in life
My relationship last a lifetime and are full of love
I see everything through the eyes of love
I love like a mother loves their offspring
I encounter love all day
I am in a mutually loving relationship
I don’t accept or allow anything unloving to come into my life
I am so in love with life
I am always around people who want to love me
I am in a deeply loving and committed relationship
I feel the infinite love of the universe in my daily life
Affirmations part 4
I accept that I am loved
I don’t have to become anything to be loved or attract love, I am perfect as I am
Love in the most powerful force in the universe
I receive love and joy in this moment
Every new friend that I make will bring more love into both of our lives
My marriage is full of everlasting and infinite love
I love with every fiber of my being
My love is like that of a child
My spouse and family love me for me
I feel safe and secure since I show love wherever I go
I move through life with the confidence of knowing that I am loved
I love romance and it loves and is searching for me
Romance fills my life with joy and fulfillment
I spend my energy loving instead of hating
Unconditional love is where I always operate from
I deserve to be loved unconditionally
When I don’t feel love outside myself I simply turn inward and love myself
I feel loved and safe in my partners arms and company
I express love in all forms
Everyone is seeking love and I can be that person to bring it to them
Affirmations part 5
I speak only loving thoughts to my partner
I love like it is the first time I have ever loved
I love before I speak
I love my country
I love that I have the ability to love and be loved
I forgive those I condemned with love
I am open to love on a higher level than I ever expected or wished for
My soul mate and I will know right away when we meet
My love life is a priority
I attract the most loving people into my life
I focus only on love and beauty
The right mate is entering my life right now
I am loving and understanding to my partner
I will get married or am married to the perfect mate
My family loves me and supports me no matter what
There is harmony and loving feelings in my workplace
People know me as a lover
I am a manifestation of love
I am overflowing with love and the feeling of love
I practice self love on a daily basis