No matter who you are or where you live, we are bombarded with tons of negative information every day. These negative messages come through the media through our daily social …
Here we have audio of the following affirmations List of affirmations I’m successful in everything I do. I’m joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life. I am moving toward …
Here are some affirmations for maintaining and improving your health. 1. I am full of energy and life. 2. I am in control of my state at all times. 3. …
Quotes 1. “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year”. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. “I am adventurous. I overcome fears by following …
In this article we give you a beginners guide to positive affirmations How to Create Positive Affirmations Believe it or not, with your attention you can manifest anything you want …
You are able to affirm yourself into having great leadership qualities. Let’s look at a few affirmations Part 1 I am a thoughtful person and strive to inspire others with …
You are able to affirm yourself into having great fame and fortune. Let’s look at a few affirmations General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 1 Amazing coincidences come into my …
Positive Affirmations part 1 I love and accept in the here and now I believe in my abilities and skills My mistakes are seen as growing and learning opportunites I …
I am abundance I see prosperity wherever I kook My success is acknowledged by my family and the public I attract friendships that help me create more success and love …
Affirmations part 1 I am loved beyond comprehension I am attracting the perfect mate that my heart desires I am grateful for the love that surrounds me I emanate …