You need to understand that motivation is a state. This means that one minute you can be motivated and the next minute you may not be motivated. So you need …
When we experience something difficult or traumatic in our lives, we often are subject to remnants of the event that stay lodged in our mind and body. These experiences create …
Start believing in “Yes I Can!” On January 1st, 1983, the World Wide Web (internet) made its public debut. Literally, almost overnight, communication took on a whole new meaning. In …
Here are 122 friendship-related affirmations for you Part1 I always make an effort with my friends I attract friendship, love, affection, and romance to my life I am good at …
Here are 5 meditation music videos from our Youtube channel Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Check out our channel for more meditation and relaxing music …
Quote Author Done is better than perfect. Sheryl Sandberg Every day is a blessing. Accept it. Devang Vibhakar Every day brings new choices. Martha Beck Think of many things; do …
Another 160 motivational images [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”2″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]
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Meditation music For your short and long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste. Healing Frequencies Music …