I am wise, I learn from all situations and scenarios
This too shall pass
I am perfectly complete and show compassion to myself daily
I see failure as feedback, not something to hold me back
My path is guided and I will trust the process
I love the feeling of growth in my daily life
Nobody is perfect and I embrace my flaws
I am encouraged because it makes me feel stronger
I am above all the drama
Every day is the best day of my life
I am passionate about life
I am young and enjoy my youthfulness
I embrace the awkward times by laughing them off
I am hopefully
I have great study habits
I am always having a wonderful day
I only get more successful with every setback
I am a born winner
I am a great athlete and develop my abilities daily through hard work and self-belief
I follow my dreams with relentless pursuit regardless of what people say
I am a visionary of the perfect future I am creating
I see great qualities in everyone
My teachers see the value in me and know I am unique
I seek to understand people before offering my opinion
I enjoy being at the top of my class
I look my best days because it creates great self-confidence
You are incredibly capable
I am an awesome test taker
I feel relaxed and at ease on test days
I maintain full attention in class
I am special
I am not phased by other people's opinions about me
I create my circumstances and only manifest what I desire
I seek to learn and grow into the person I want to become
I can improve daily and do so with ease
I overcome challenges with ease
My friends see me as a leader and someone they can confide
Everything happens for a reason
I help others and enjoy doing so
I am peaceful and positive
My mind is unlimited and always concentrated on the task at hand
I have an open mind to all the possibilities in my life
I see beauty where others don’t
I only compete with myself and will beat my old self daily
My habits create self-discipline that inspires confidence in me
All is well, everything is happening exactly the way it should
What people fret over, I laugh at
I have an abundant amount of talents and gifts
I deal with my fears calmly and effectively
I find learning exciting and enjoyable
I am a fast learner
I enjoy partaking in my passions
I am free to think about how I choose
I am well organized
I see my creativity as the perfect outlet I can use you relax
I am a problem solver
My strong intuition guides me daily
I love the passionate and creative people that surround me
I deserve love, success, and kindness to flow through my life
I feel empowered daily because I know I am becoming better and better
I see myself as a maverick and a person of value
I create healthy and beneficial relationships with my teachers
I enjoy working with my fellow students in pursuit of knowledge and growth
I do not have attachments to outcomes because everything is happening for a purpose
My goals are reached easily
I am on a journey and see life as fun and interesting
I release the past and live in the present on a daily basis
I honor and trust myself with every decision I make
I am worthy of the love and respect I receive from others
Although I may feel lost, it is an indicator that I use to find the best way in life
I offer my care and affection with my whole heart
I love the feeling of youth and will retain it for all my days
I focus on solutions in my life
My nature is courage and confidence
I as well as others believe in myself and my abilities
I seek knowledge on my own terms because I know it is power
I am wonderful
I am brilliant, clever, and funny
I utilize my gifts to bring myself and others happiness
I am sexy and good looking and I own it
I feel included, needed, and respected
I accept about me what others do
I am prosperous and abundant
I do not resist change and let go of what doesn’t serve me
I live in a state of fulfillment
I know that happiness is my true nature so I enjoy myself at all times
I am free to take the path of my heart
I listen to my heart
I am here for a purpose
My life is a series of events leading to my destiny
I love feeling out of place sometimes because I know that is where growth takes place
I keep my composure when I receive opposition
I am a person of my word
I have a plan for my life
I expect great things to happen to me in unexpected ways
I am a gift to my friends, family, and self
I make this world a better place
I know my flaws are beautiful and make me special
I only see the good in others and myself
I adjust effortlessly to change