Here are some health and wellness affirmations
List of affirmations
I've the power to control my health.
I'm in control of my health and wellness.
I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.
I'm healthy in all aspects of my being.
I don't fear being unhealthy as I know that I control my own body.
I'm always able to maintain my ideal weight.
I'm filled with energy to do all the daily actions in my life.
My mind is at peace.
I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
I'm healthy, happy, and transformed!
I give myself permission to heal.
My natural state is health. I'm cloaked in energy.
My energy field shines with clear brightness.
I'm well in my thoughts and at ease in my body.
I've the stamina and energy to do all the things I love!
I'm now perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit.
I feed my body with self-nurturing and fit nutrition.
I'm enjoying optimal health.
I'm rediscovering the art of allowing my natural wellbeing.
My health is excellent and I'm perfectly fit.
I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.
I've all levels of energy – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
I have a fit spirit, mind and body.
I take 4 deep, relaxing breaths at least once each 90 minutes.
I drink a glass of fresh, good water each ninety minutes.
I do sit-ups or push-ups, and yoga upon arising every morning.
I do half-hour of vigorous walking or aerobic exercise daily.
I do strength training (including push-ups and lunges) at least 3 times a week, alternating between the muscles.
I take suitable nutrition for my body and mind.
I'm healthy, happy and radiant.
I am healthy, and full of vitality and energy.
I eat healthy, nutritious and digestible food daily.
I have a healthy heart and a strong set of lungs.
I accept health as my normal state.
Daily in everyway, I am feeling energetic and enthusiastic.
I am feeling better than before.
I'm feeling relaxed, centered, energetic and enthusiastic.
I recharge and renew myself by taking time off for play and relaxation.
I am calm, composed, energetic and enthusiastic.
I take breaks, get up and stretch, have a little snack – to maintain my energy state.
I have a healthy breakfast each morning which replenishes my blood sugar levels.
I'm getting better and better each day.
I'm feeling healthy. I am feeling excellent. I'm feeling great.
I take good care of my health and fitness as health is wealth.
I am increasing all levels of energy – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Put on your headphones, press play and close your eyes and enjoy these affirmations