You are able to affirm yourself into having great fame and fortune.
Let’s look at a few affirmations
General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 1
Amazing coincidences come into my life on a regular basis.
I am the go-to person to get things done, right
My world is filled with abundant good luck.
I draw lucky opportunities towards me.
I make my own luck by thinking good fortune at all times.
Good luck flows into my life every day.
I always land on my feet.
I am the luckiest man/woman in the world.
My good luck charm works for me because I believe in it.
My business attracts satisfied customers who keep returning
Lady luck is my constant companion.
Every day I celebrate my continued good fortune.
I am a luck magnet.
Good luck comes to me effortlessly.
My positive mindset ensures that I am always lucky
I am a powerful luck magnet.
My run of good luck is endless.
Every day I am surrounded by an abundance of opportunities.
It’s okay for me to have everything I want!
Whomever I meet, good fortune is bestowed upon them.
General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 2
My good fortune increases every day.
I focus all my attention on the good fortune I desire.
Good news visits me regularly.
I feel like the luckiest person alive.
Things have a marvelous way of always working out for me.
Great things keep blessing my life.
Everything is going my way.
I always get what I wish for.
Serendipity is my constant companion.
Miracles bless my life every day.
The smarter I work, the luckier I am.
Fantastic new opportunities come into my life every day.
I have empowered my being with infinite good fortune.
I am the world’s greatest good luck charm.
Good fortune is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every day.
I always have enough to pay bills and have money leftover
Things have an amazing way of always working in my favor.
Abundance flows to me easily and effortlessly
Endless opportunities appear in my life.
I create my own luck every day.
General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 3
I feel the powerful presence of good luck every day.
I have a good luck charm that never fails me.
I expect the best and I always get it.
My life is constantly attracting good fortune.
I have trained my mind to create good luck every day.
I am the luckiest person alive!
My potential is unlimited … and it shows
All my prospects bring me abundant good fortune.
I am a vacuum for lucky happenstances.
I am always in the right place at the right time.
I naturally attract good fortune into my life.
I create my own luck as I go along.
I expect good fortune every moment of my life.
It is my greatest desire to live each and every day with unlimited good fortune.
I feel really lucky today.
I am lucky in everything I do.
Windfalls come my way regularly.
I continuously embed powerful good luck messages into my mind.
Every day I grow more financially prosperous
With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more luck into my life.
General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 4
Terrific opportunities come to me every day.
I attract good luck into my life by imagining the very best at all times.
I am even-tempered and well balanced
I practice the feeling of good fortune at every opportunity.
Today I welcome abundant good luck into my life.
Lady luck loves me today!
I live a charmed life.
I am incredibly lucky.
I am my own good luck charm.
The more I accept good luck, the more of it I experience.
I was born under a lucky star.
I see endless opportunities before me.
Every day I attract lucky happenstances into my life.
I welcome serendipity in my life.
Lady luck follows me wherever I go.
I focus on being lucky at every opportunity.
Everything I do brings me great success.
I am good luck personified.
My whole life is one lucky streak.
I make my own luck by expecting it every day.
General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 5
I welcome endless good fortune into my life.
From this moment on — I enjoy everything I do
Good things keep on happening to me.
I expect good luck at all times.
Fantastic opportunities greet me at every turn.
I am good fortune made flesh.
Everything I touch brings me further good fortune.
I expect great things to happen every day of my life.
At every turn, opportunity appears before me.
My good luck is solely a product of my positive thoughts and actions.
I have created a lucky mindset.
I am always prepared. That is why I am so lucky.
I am a magnet for good luck.
Lady luck is on my side.
I affirm abundant good luck throughout my day.
I am well respected
I have the perfect good luck charm; it's called Belief.
I’m lucky in life!
I spread good fortune wherever I go.
I totally believe in luck… that is why it works for me.
I always seem to be in the right place at the right time.
I am always ‘up’ on my luck.
General Fame And Fortune Affirmations part 6
I am constantly drawing good luck towards me.
Every day brings me endless good fortune.
Every day in every way I am attracting more and more good luck into my life.
I have abundant good luck in all my endeavors.
I focus all my thoughts on good luck, and good luck comes into my life.
Today I bless my being with limitless good fortune.
Things are going my way!
I expect to be lucky every day.
I am always in the right place at the right time with the right frame of mind.